Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hows my little war critic?

I'm just flat out mad right now.
I have a class where everyone gives presentations about some sort of piece of art, today's presentation was about john Lennon and Yoko Ono's Bed-In for Peace It was a good presentaion and bla bla, but what upset me is that we are in a war that is wearing worse on our soldiers than vietnam, with the biggest difference being they are dying less often, and there is no one outstanding political figure, celebrity, or icon activily outspoken for peace.


Is it because nothing is going to happen until this president is out of office?
Is it because people care more for themselves than those who should be protecting OUR country.
Is it because people think its hopeless?
Is it because people think their one voice doesn't count?

Nearly every single combat ready soldier is in training for the middle east, returning from there, or actually risking their life there right now. This upsets me shouldn't they be here ready to protect us? Rather than policing the world?

I want to protest, I heard of a big protest in Madison soon. I want to go. My voice may not be heard there but my presence will not be missed. I want Duluth to protest. I want someone to want to protest I want people to be angry like me. I am for peace, Our soldiers are for peace, and the Iraqi goventment is for peace. SO DO THE PEOPLE OF THE USA. Why can't we just begin to leave? Why? WHY?? WHY!?!?! can't our troops leave?

There needs to be a greater movement for peace in our nation. We are looked down upon throughout the world as a place of our own freedom, a freedom to push our ideas and problems into other countries.

Instead when we disagree with something how do we try to change it? Join a facebook group, write on your myspace page, complain that our president sucks without facts, we blog about what needs to happen, But no one acts.

What happened to pictures like these:

Thank god the country finally voted for a change and got it. Now we just have to wait for it to come.

Tony, if you're so mad why don't you do something?
Well I like to think that as an undergrad college student surrounded by mostly apathetic college students there isn't much I can do, but I would like to consider myself an informer, or a teacher of my peers on current events. If I can tell people what is going on in the world around them, maybe, just maybe people will begin to form their own thoughts and opinions about what is happening in the world around them, rather than the current follow the leader trend that I see daily.

Be unique, be yourself, but above all try to do your part. If enough people care about something, change will happen, right now the trick is to get enough people to care. Above all, we need a new peace spokesman, A new Lennon, a new Yoko, a new MLK Jr., a new Gahndi, anyone to get the movment started.

That said I feel a little better I will leave you with the hand out the presenter gave us at the conclusion of her lecture.

Dear World,
I think we should have peace. Why don't we have it? I would like it today - so would my wife.
John Lennon of Ascot and many others

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