Saturday, October 02, 2010

Hows my little married man?

On August 28, 2010 my life was changed permanently. I am now a husband, A HUSBAND! That is so old sounding, to me only people who are over 40 are husbands. Worse yet, wife is so old fashioned sounding I think Laura aged 40 years in one beautiful day as well. Nevertheless here I sit, a married old man with some nice hats.

This blog post is incredibly late but how can I pass up writing about such a great day in my life? I can't.

Since many of my faithful readers were present at the big day I'll go easy on those details. The day was just amazing in so many ways, the first and foremost was how incredible it felt to be surrounded by all of my favorite people in my life. From my best friends growing up to distant family members and everyone I've met in between.

The ceremony was gorgeous, since the day we reserved Lief Erickson Park I said, its going to be sunny, warm, and windy. We got all of those things, and it was great. I would have roasted in my suit without that wind.

Our main man Aaron got himself ordained just for us and he exceeded everyone's expectations in every way. For that I've carved an even bigger niche in my heart for the little fella.

When Laura and I initially began our planning I asked her if we could write our own vows. Reluctantly she agreed. When the time finally came for me to finally get cracking I realized how awesome of an idea this really was. Mostly because I sat down for several lunch hours and thought about all of these different reasons I love Laura as much as I do. It got pretty sappy at times but it was great. Then I got to think of our future together and jam all of those thoughts and feelings into our agreed timeline of approximately one minute.

When the time finally came to recite them, I was hoping to have mine memorized but as I was standing around with Aaron I realized there was absolutely no chance I was going to be able to do this from memory. From the moment I stood on top of those stairs to wait for my bride I realized I was going to cry and there was nothing I could do about it. With a chomp on my bottom lip I was able to keep it from quivering while waiting for the big moment. When my turn to read came around, the waterworks began and continued through my whole blubbering vow. Who can blame me, I was extremely happy to be in that spot marrying the former Miss Davis.

While getting ready Rich told me, "stuff some Kleenex in your pocket, you're going to need it". That was some of the very good advice from the day, because boy did I need it.

Last minute Laura and I decided we ought to book a Limo to get around with our wedding party for pictures and whatnot. The thing we ended up in was pretty shabby. I was talking on the phone to this guy and he was talking up all of these lights, TV and premium sound system. What we got was a decked out short bus. I'm happy it was cheap.

After a long (interesting) time of taking pictures with the folks all around town we made our way to the Greysolon Ballroom for our reception. I can now appreciate how a bride and groom can get annoyed with the clicking glasses but at the same time, it was fun kissing Laura a bunch.

After our grand entrance which according to the ushers went about as smooth as your average Duluth Road. Laura and I cut the cake which I had no idea what we were doing there. After that we sat down for some grub. For whatever reason I had no appetite, which sucked because the meal was delicious, and the cake was phenomenal on top of that.

Toasts went remarkably smoothly I was expecting some embarrassment but got none really so that was a welcome surprise. Justin surpassed Laura's expectations, and I have a feeling a few other people's as well. Not mine though, hes good shit.

Before the wedding I made a little medley for Laura and I to dance to, since we couldn't decide on just one song. I kicked it off with Tenacious D's most famous song as a brief intro into a song that Laura and I peacefully woke up to one summer morning in Duluth. Its called, Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Wonderful World) by IZ, That somehow mushed into Hard to Concentrate by The Red Hot Chili Peppers, A song that after I realized how hard I'd fallen for Laura it constantly reminded me of her. Knowing my luck its about killing your wife or something. We ended on a more uptempo song where we had this little choreographed bit with a dip and kiss, The song was You and Me by Dave Matthews. We should have practiced a bit more because I think we were off on our dip, but oh well, it was still fun to try.

I would like to point out to everyone that I removed Laura's garter with nothing but my teeth. This is something I'm proud of.

Garters are impossible to fling like a rubber band, fellas who toss garters in the future, wind up and chuck it. I don't think someone has cleared the group of fellas in the history of mankind. BJ I saw your hand touch it so you're up next buddy.

Also, I think if Justin had a nice pair of boobs I could have topped Laura in the Dollar Dance, but he didn't so she kicked my tail.

Then the dancing begun, I especially had a great time watching my niece and nephews roll around on the ground and trying out all sorts of new dance moves together. Colin and Emily were the rock stars of the little people crew and danced like pros late into the night with anyone who would move with them. It was tons of fun watching my friends and family interact with them on the dance floor.

After that everything began to blur, I danced, sang, jumped, and laughed with everyone I ran into. I really thought Laura and I would be glued together and walking all over and making nice 2 minute conversations with everyone but that wasn't the case at all. I think I saw her like 5 times, talked with all sorts of people but not everyone, which I regret, but there is only so much time!

I was sort of hoping Laura and I would scamper off early to our sweet suite but we stayed until the lights raised and then took off. We said our goodbyes and got some excellent advice along the way. By the end of the night we were both pretty damn pooped. Nothing could wipe the smiles off our faces, and nothing did.

Laura and I realized we have an extremely generous circle of people we associate with and really appreciate everything our wonderful friends and family have done for us, and gave us in honor of our marriage. As corny as it sounds, just having all of those people there meant so much to me. Just to give myself and everyone else an idea of how much love we were given, we had travelers from: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas, Massachusetts, Virginia, New York, Georgia, Florida, Colorado, Arizona, and Washington. No wonder I cried so much.

Again I want to thank my best friends, great family, and especially my parents and Laura's for giving us the opportunity to make our wedding day the beautiful, perfect Duluth day it was.