I've done it and I even now a week afterward, still can not believe what I've done. The dastardly deed has been pondered, questioned, answered, and argued over. I decided to make the leap and just go for it, after all, there really isn't that much harm in obtaining one of these:
As some of you might know I made a gamble on using body wash in the shower a few years back, to my surprise it was an invigorating success compared with the traditional shower bar soap. My favorite new excitement from this transition was while lathering myself up (which at the time mysteriously my fellow roomies did not do [didn't realize I wrote that in 2006, holy crap that took forever to find]) I was touching my entire body with my lathered hands, while I am familiar with my body I was not familiar with it on this new wonderfully smelling and sudsy experience. Of course since I thought touching myself all over was the bees knees I didn't want a loofah, which was fine, obviously I couldn't be the only loofah owner in a house dominated by women.
Since that status has now changed I've thought back to the rumors of males around the world owning loofahs and enjoying the cleaning experience associated with them. Since I was a skeptic I decided that since I was going to be buying a loofah I needed to find the most manly showering tool possible, a Black Loofah. While at the local Wal-Mart (ps that new phrase they are using...Awesome![pps, I still don't feel comfy in one of their stores])I found an even manlier version...Black AND Gray. Awesome.
My first loofahing experience...Borderline painful, I know females go through several circles of pain to achieve beauty, this step I was not prepared for. Using my loofah for the first time was like taking a shower with a cheese grater made of sandpaper. I swear my skin screamed while it was being slowly shredded off with each pass. I then added more lubricating wash and found it to be a less painful experience, I then thanked god. Lesson Learned.
In a typical shower soaping session I will begin with my arms, then my chest, belly, one leg then the other, around the twig and berries, and to my back, then finally my rump.
With the exception of my back the last two steps of the looftastic shower began. To all men who are curious and just can't quite scratch their kids just right in the morning, INVEST IN THIS TOOL! The loofahs skin peeling qualities also make it the perfect instrument for nut/chode scratching. It was during this first experience I realized that if I were a cat I would purr, If I were a canine my back leg would uncontrollably shake, and if I were a lion I would roar. Since I am man I simply smiled, Hung my new favorite washing mechanism on the wall and began anticipating my next shower event.
I hope to god you and Laura don't share a loofah. Nothing like washing your face with skin peelings from Tony's nether regions. Ugh.
I will see you soon, promise. Its been a hell of a month.
I love this post.
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