It's that time again.
Spring time.
Thank god.
This time of the year, this exact time of the year, is my least favorite time of year. Do you know why? no of course not, because I haven't told you. So now I will.
I don't like this time of year because I cant stand how all of the snow is melting, the sun is out and everything is just gross looking. The grass next to the sidewalks is full of the past 4 months of people's garbage that they were to lazy to deposit in a container of some sort. And everything is all sandy and muddy and wet, you cant walk around outside without dodging some sort of massive puddle or puddle of mud.
By this time of year I am also looking foreward to school ending, the sun doesn't set at 4:30 pm any more and I just want to wander around outside in the "warm" weather, but this year is the first year I have had a job AND a ton of homework, so I can't enjoy the extended amount of sun nor can I enjoy the warmth for longer than my walk to and from the bus stop. Lame.
On another note, I went skiing with my Dad yesterday at Lutsen for what is going to be the last time of the year, mumsie came too but she didn't ski. It was awesome to see my parents, I even took em to the bar to see the lovely Anne Clifford turn 21. Dad bought her an ameretto sour, and me a wiskey with a splash of coke.
My doctor's appointment today was a bust...I was a week early, see ya next week Dr. Lee! Yes, I do have an arrythmia Jon, thats old news though.
I am working on a web page for an art class you guys can go to it and dink around with it if you want to. As of the time of writing this it is going to suck A LOT, so no critiquing yet please. It is due a week from tomorrow so you can watch my progress on it, starting now.
1 comment:
i agree about this being the worst time of the year. of course i love that the weather is getting warmer, but it is nasty outside. and the city, is gross. grosssssssss. i hate the matted dirty grass between the sidewalk and the road and i hate that there are no leaves and there is just nastyness.
the first door looks sweet. i'm assuming more doors and i don't know why, but i'm excited to see the rest.
your parents are cool
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