Thursday, March 09, 2006

How my little about to flip out?

I like lists so here is what you get:

* My room is the messiest it has been since I have moved in
* Those of you who know me knows that this shit doesn't fly
* Ann took off for spring break today
* I am going to my one class tomorrow like a sucker
* I am also working for the majority of spring break, so that I can afford to cut loose after spring break
* I will not have time to cut loose after spring break
* I need to get the hell outta' here
* I am looking forward to relaxing for a few days
* I have an atrial arrhythmia, said the heart monitor
* I ate the second roll of thin mints in the box
* In one sitting
* With a glass of milk
* I like the Kaiser Chiefs
* If I cant see you really exist?
* The definition of time is ridiculous, check it out
* Gimme a chance to shine and Ill blind the world
* I am going to take my camera around with me to document my spring (work more hours than usual) break
* I get paid tomorrow...lots.....thank god

Here is a picture of how unorganized I am right now...Its making me sick:

Apparently when one has a blog they must have some sort of black and white emo picture
Since I am not Emo here is my black and white picture:

* Dose anyone else not give a shit what Microsoft's origami ended up being? cause I know I didn't, lame lame lame.
* 2005 was the first year that the soda pop industry made less money than the year before since 1985, because of bottled water, energy drinks and Sport drinks.
* Did you know most people drink the majority of the calories they consume in beer and pop?
* Also did you know Americans are currently saving their money at a rate comparable to the Americans of the great depression?

That's all for now!

1 comment:

anniemosity said...

tony! you're on anniemosity!
also, spring break will do you good.
and then funfetti will do you better.