Sunday, November 20, 2005

Hows my little come to grip?

Oh my god its happening. Folks I am going to be honest I really REALLY tried hard to stop it from happening....but it did. I really am truely sorry. I'll bet its happening to you too. You might be taking it a little better than me, You might have in fact actually welcomed it into your life, embraced it, maybe even tried to encourage it and help it along. Or you could have been like me and tried to avoid it, maybe even run away from it. I even tried ducking behind some bushes....but it was too close and it saw me and caught up with me.
I'm growing up.
God damnit.
I honestly didnt know when this would be perfectly honest I was hoping it wouldent happen for awhile. It really hit home when I was *gasp* (sorry for this) read Henry's blog. For some reason his mentioning of quitting smoking really made me realize it. Also I keep hearing this talk of graduation and people moving on with their lives after college. I am one of those people too, college is great, dont get me wrong...but its like high school...Its starting to get old and I want a change of pace, maybe I shouldent be thinking of this 2 years early, buuuuuuuuuut I am haha oh well.
I dont even know what I really want to be when I grow up. A sex slave wouldnt be bad, but I'll need some practice to do that.
I am also starting to somewhat pay attention to what I wear, by no means am I following fasion or am I spending more than 1$ a week on clothes (last week I did drop like $10 for some boxers and socks) but THE Sarah Fuller last year told me to wear a little smaller of shirts, because "you can actually see your body" that kind of triggered it.
Another sign I noticed last year, but tried to ignore, was me starting to fall out of love with Punk Rock, I think its for a couple of reasons, finding new good punk seems to be getting hard, when I am comparing it to such great bands like Green Day, Flogging Molly, Rancid, Unwritten Law, and a few others who keep coming out with GOOD music. I dont really know what I am starting to like more now, but I do know that I have more respect for a band that can actually play their insturments well, rather than how few chords can be used in one song.
Another thing is, I am 21 the only thing I cant do now is rent a car. I can kill someone when bush starts drafting his army, I can leagaly kill myself with cigarettes, and booze. I can even gamble (more of) my lively hood away, oh and buy chicks to dance on me. oh life.....

As the Transplants put it, "this is for The Misfits, the Freaks, and The Runts, fuck the motherfuckin' back-stabbin' cunts"
Not sure of that line's relevance but just go with me here, K?

But dont get worried about me, its not an onslaught of maturity in me, I did just buy the emperor's new groove today =), and I still have scooby doo boxers.


samma said...

interesting topic. sometimes i like to think that i'm becoming more mature, but i say bad words in public too often and giggle when people fart.

and the whole college thing, everyday i think how great it would be to not have the responsibility of homework and classes, but i'm not ready for the thought of graduation. i even added a minor, i tell everyone it's to help me out later on, but in reality it's to prolong my time in college.

i liked your shit you wore on friday on a side note, i like your style.


anniemosity said...

growing up is weird shit.

it happens behind your back, too. one minute, you're bopping along at seventeen, hating the world, listening to crappy music, and loathing your parents.... and the next thing you know, you're in college, life ain't so bad, your music tastes are expanding, and maybe your parents know a thing or two.

it's surprising how much growing up one does without even knowing it.