Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hows my little '09 recap?

2009. There is a lot that can be said about 2009. As far as exciting years go it wasn't the most exciting year. My day to day was relatively the same, and aside from plotting to and carrying out my engagement with Laura there weren't very many huge life changing events, which is cool, last year gave me enough of those. So what happened to me this year? Here's the breakdown:


Avatar. Its been a long time since I left a movie and wanted to turn around and see it again. Next time instead of Flat-D I'll see it in 3-D.

TV Show:
This year I kept my trend of hate on the boob tube with the exception of TrueBlood. Season 2 was a huge improvement over season 1.

Concert: DMB. This checked off one of my last bands to see before I die, A Dave Matthews Outdoor concert is a day long event that we did right, would I do it again? Absolutely.

Dave Matthews Band - Big Whiskey and the Gru Grux King. There isn't even one track that I skip on this one. I love their big sound.

Owl City - Fireflies. Repeat - Repeat - Repeat Heart.

Game: I almost had to nix this genre this year, but a new PS3 and GTA IV saved the day.

Book: I don't think I read any books with a copyright of 2009 this year, so hands down Tolkien's Return of the King blew every other book I read in '09 out of the water. The story starts off running and the ending is extremely fitting and satisfying for all of the characters I grew to love through the series.

The Wine Cube (any flavor) from Target. Decent wine and a great price.

Bar Night:
I don't know if its considered the best, but its the best story. Ask me about moonshine and Sink the Biz sometime.

Getaway: Colorado! I love the mountains, a lot.

Garden Growth: Spicy Pickles!

Events of Note:

The flooding of the kitchen :(

Growing things carried into 2009! Our Garden Rocked. Until the thief struck.

Newsworthy: It's called swine flu dammit.

There is lots to look forward to in 2010, first off our wedding! I'm really pumped about our Honeymoon as well just because I plan on doing a hell of a lot of relaxing, there have even been some rumblings of a trip to Spain! Which would be awesome. I'm also excited about our Garden V2.0 after learning some things this year. I've debated putting this in but whatever, I might get my first useful smart phone! I'm also excited for our various wanderings around the mid-west.

Bring it on 2010.

1 comment:

anniemosity said...

surely you are joking, season two of true blood was not nearly as good as season one. the maenad/maryann storyline went on for FAR too long, although i enjoyed all that dallas stuff. whatevs. i'm glad you watch this show too.