I graduated college! All the grades that matter are in and I've passed all of my classes and my APAS is entirely green, HURRAY!!!
Now that I am all done I can sit back and think of all the things I won't ever have to go back and do ever again! The number one thing is Homework. God damn I am so pumped to be able to come home from work or a weekend of fun and just watch a movie play a video game or go to sleep. I've got a lot of video game playing to catch up on too. Next time I have $250 to spare I will be a proud owner of a wii, and I can't wait.
This weekend my parents and Laura trekked up to Duluth for the ol' graduation ceremony. It was nice, but dear lord was it long. If you've ever ridden in a car with me you know how fidgety I was just sitting there for three hours. I got to walk across a stage shake the dean of Fine Art's hand and get a sheet of paper telling me unless I don't owe anything and my shit is straight I'll get my diploma in 3-6 weeks.
I would say the best part of graduation was all the good food and wine I got to eat and drink with my company up here, I had an excellent time with everyone.
My Half decade college career was a very enjoyable one, I would say that without question. Thus far of being a college grad I don't see myself looking back at this time of my life nostalgically, I don't see myself envying the long nights putting together final projects and writing papers. If people say this is the best time of life then I would say they haven't been living their life since then good enough.
In High School I set out for a change of where I was and what I wanted, BSU was too big of a change, yet Duluth provided me with that change. Now that I'm done with school here I'm ready for a new change again and I can't wait for it. The clouds are starting to part and things are looking brighter. Life is going to be different and I can't wait to see what happens.
Thank you everyone who helped me get here.
congratulations, tony. i'm really proud of you!
I'm so proud of you. There's so many times you could have given up and slept, but you didn't. You persevered, went days without sleep, and you fucking did it.
Its all over friend. Way to go.
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