I understand most of you don't read/watch/or listen to the news, minus MTV's 'news'. Partially because its always, bad news. So, here is the sum of the world right now.
Bush vetoed his first bill ever, hindering any new stem cell research in the us
Blair our British friend said hey come over to England, we love stem cells!
There is a 'new' war between Israel and Lebanon.
But not really Lebanon, it is a militant group supported by Syria and Iran
Hezbollah is what the militant group is called, who are not related to Al-qaeda
Buuuuut some lines can be drawn to the Hamas (ruling party if Iran)
Hugo Chavez also really likes Iran, AND Korea for fighting against the US in the 50's
Castro got sick, his brother is running Cuba, Florida rejoiced.
And in the US news, the economy is doing better than it was.
Which is still shitty, between the federal debt and the trade debt
last year's trade deficit was like 415(ish?) billion this year is only around 400 billion
that is down from Clinton's projected 300 million surplus
we are creating uncertainty in the world, as our dollar plummets.....
which leads me to my link for today, I think everyone who ever reads this blog in the next few days should read this link, it is an article on the BBC about the us economy, it does a good job of explaining simply how the dollar gains and looses value around the world. Since the dollar is mostly losing its value its a little negative, but still very informative as to how US money flows around the world.
oh....and Britney and K-Fed are doing well, I guess.
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