Friday, December 09, 2005

Hows my little TGIF?

Catch phrases, I hate many of them...I hate their catchyness, I hate how i use them, I hate how other people use them and I hate how cliche they are and how no one cares.

Today is devoted to a list of catch phrases that I do not support:

I'm Crabby
--This one isnt really a catch phrase at all, but the word crabby just gets me...I absolutely can not stand it. Particularly I hate the useage of crabby as a verb, Don't do that or I will be crabby at you...ugh

Oh, this is cute
--Cute why does every article of clothing have to be described as cute, what is it with you women and your clothing that is all 'cute' why cant it be hip, trendy, or good? why cute...why everything cute, oh cute shoes, coat, jacket, pants, shirt, bra, panties, tampon packaging...rawr

Git 'r done
--This was funny for about a week, now its funny because its not funny, FOR GOD SAKE STOP YELLING THIS. and for you hicks, peel it off of the back of your truck window, put up another one of your damn Calvin pissing on (fill in the blank) stickers

We need to get the ball rolling
--where on earth did this come from? cartoons? I'm just not sure, the only thing I can ever picture is a cartoon snowball getting started down a mountian, ending up the size of a house and has scooby and shaggy yelling the whole way down, lets get things moving, the world doesnt need anymore moving balls.

--Yeah, seriously thank god its friday, but there is no need to say T G I F in conversation, unless referring to the resturant who even has enough decency to use one word from the acronym.

That sure was a blessing in disguise
--everything happens for a reason, when someone proves to me that there is something that can see the future and then care enough to come back and take care of my ass, is when I will start using this annoing idiom again.

Violence doesn't solve anything
--Yes it does, it solves tons of things, ask the Japanese, we dropped a couple of nukes on their country and they stopped diving airplanes into americans. Or ask our president, he likes shooting shit at all sorts of people. I think it seems to

I'm quitting cold turkey
--I dont get it, may as well quit stale popcorn...neither really make any sense

He got up on the wrong side of the bed
--Since when does it make a difference to what side of the bed you woke up on to affect your mood. the only time the wrong side of the bed should ever make a difference is if youre under it, and if you woke up there I'm sure its your fault youre there.

I'll have another drink for the road
--Don't drink and drive, people get killed because of that.
Is it funny that i just used a catchphrase to describe one?

I'm going out tonight
--Is this just the Politily correcty way to say, Im getting hammered somewhere? I'm not sure, if I told someone I was headed out for the night they would think I am leaving somewhere for the evening, but if I am going out tonight, my context changes to I am going to be drunk somwhere later. Maybe this is only a UMD thing...

Aww youre pulling my chain/leg
--you probably dont even own a chain why would I pull your (or any) chain to fool you. Pulling your leg is equaly absurd, haha I tricked you (tug on leg) It doesnt make sense to ever pull someones leg, unless in a wrestling match and you want your opponent closer to you, or on the ground...lame

The ends Justify the means
--If it wasnt a silly Idiom people would be like huh? who are you? but it is...and it doesnt make sense, I want instant gratification espicially when I am hearing a corny line describing...something, anything!

--This is an acronym for LAUGH OUT LOUD, and I am sure 98% of you who use this, dont really lol when you type it. prove me wrong.

I think that is all for now folks, I was just wasting time waiting for someone and they didnt show up...after an hour, how rude.


anniemosity said...

summer of '04, pelowski, koegel, mobley, colby & i were watching the fireworks. some asshole yelled "GIT'R'DONE!" at every good one. at first it was funny. then it was obnoxious. by the end, we were all taking pulls from colby's flask just to be able to stand that guy.

you are wonderful.

Lina said...

I don't know you... I'm a friend of Natasha's.. She requested that I check this out... I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Auburn said...

i enjoyed it as well, and yes, i did LOL! i really did! especially at the one with "lol" are a funny fellow!!

by the way this post was cute


Anonymous said...

Where the hell was Kristen when you typed this? Was she home? Was she on her way home? Was she lost? or somewhere of the nowhere of inbetween them all?

anniemosity said...

you need to update, tony jay.