Sunday, December 04, 2005


Here is ye olde traditional weekend recap blog for you folks around the world (sarah you are the reason why this is around the world...unless someone else does?) I think I'll break it down day by day style, I dont usually do that.
Twas a good day, I went to the tweed and had to draw something for class, and I spent an hour trying to draw this one thing and didnt finish, the piece was made out of a zillion lines and I am already a slow enough drawer, so I put it on pause for a few days.
I picked up my NEW skis with the bindings mounted on them, Turns out I needed a $40 extra piece [I wish we spoke in Newspeak(1984 reference)], and they forgot to charge me for it, so that halved my price for that! score one for the poor college kid. The orange bindings really look like garbage on them too.
Later Chin and Aaron made Ann and I a most scrumtious sphagetti and meatball and salad(which I did not partake) dinner.
After dinner we headed out for a night on the town with Kristen for she turned 21, I bought her a corvesaieur. Turns out me and my Dad and I are the only people in the entire world who like that. Kristen was quite the happy little drunk after all was said and done. You go girl
Saturday was a good one, I got out of bed early for me but stil slept in....kinda, 11:00. My afternoon consisted of me writing a 1 page paper, painting the orange on my bindings, black with fingernail polish and eating food.
Later Ann and I went to the University of Wisconsin Superior, and saw Ben's Itty Bitty Shakespeare Company's rendition of "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare". Ann and I both agreed that it was very good. I laughed a whole bunch at it, It was only three actors (two boys and a girl) and it was all done very well. Ben makes a very good girl, king, girly king, man, and also managed to play the pissed off version of himself very well too, among other characters too.
Following the Play I dropped Ann off orderd a Pizza and Watched National Treasure, which I enjoyed, and fell asleep through The Lgend of Sleepy Hollow, upstairs. twas a delightful day.
Today began like every other day, I woke up. Dan and I poured two bowls of cereal and found out that there was no milk, I was horrified. So I packed up my ski gear went to Dan's place with the bowls and ate ceral at his house before we headed out to Spirit. It was frigid out there today, a solid 6 degrees when we left with a windchill of -18 WOO we are hardcore. I LOVE MY NEW SKIS. To anyone who cares, the K2 Public Enemy is a very good skiing ski, there wasnt a park to speak of today so I'll give that review later. Oh I also forgot my poles, who does that. I've skied for like 11 years or something silly like that, and I forgot my poles. Oh well it was still fun.
The rest of today has been spent getting organized for my upcoming 2 weeks of business. I did a little homework and now I am typing my blog. After I am done with this I am going to look in my slow cooker recipie book and see if I can find anything that sounds good. For a dinner of two, or for two nights of a dinner. Not sure which it will be at this point, Hopefully will know tomarow.

So with that kids its been a fun and eventful weekend. It was a long blog about me, so congrats if you were bored enough to make it this far.

Oh, dan and I think EMO (sadly*) is taking over Punk Rock, who agrees?

*sadly, haha get it?! emo is sad! hahaha.....ohhh I** am so punny.

**This was actually Dan's joke

1 comment:

anniemosity said...

ohhh, right, you mean because those emo kids cry into their argyle sweaters all the time, right?

i'm glad i'm over those kids. i still have some of the music, but for nostalgic purposes only.