Watching last Thursday's VP debate seemed to me like reading one of those choose your own adventure books from cover to cover ignoring the directions to jump to the correct page.
Of the two candidates Biden did show he knew what the hell was going on. Palin seemed to be an attractive opponent with a memorized script. Did you hear her climate change response, although she said many words she did not "say" anything. I will admit though she wasn't a failure, if she stays in (big Government) politics for a while longer I might listen to her soapbox speeches seriously.
Is anyone else sick of commercials for politicians bashing the other, rather than laying out their plans for fixing/bettering our countries lives?
Laura and I bought a couch, got new license plates and Drivers licenses! Officially we are residents of the state of Illinois. Although we still haven't been to Chicago. Its fun being a homeowner because I feel good when I drill holes into the wall and cahnge colors of things. It's wonderful!
700 BILLION dollars? I'm still waiting for the arguement that says, This was a good idea because...
Never ever do I want to hear you say that you might listen to Sarah Palin seriously. If I had two months to memorize my lines and practice my delivery, I could have given a more convincing performance than she.
That woman has no clue about anything, and only sounds intelligent when someone is feeding things into her mind.
Also, I'm pretty sure 700 billion isn't even a real number, its so ridiculous sounding. "Hey Tony, I'll loan you 700 katrillion magillion billion dollars!" That's how it sounds in my head.
I don't know if you've guessed it or not, but I don't like her very much. I really hope living amongst the Republicans of Illinois isn't getting to you.
Go here. Laugh.
Someone made one for Obama, but it wasn't funny.
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