Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hows my little Doctor?

HE IS (almost) FREE!!!!

"Dr. Death" or Jack Kevorkian is about to be released from prison, this is good news to some and very bad news for others. I've decided it's good news, Kevorkian is a saint and a good man I have decided over the years. In high school I gave a debate on assisted suicide, because I am pro-choice.

Wait, Pro-choice is for abortions right? well, technically yes, in this case no. I believe that we as human beings were born to make decisions with their lives, for better or for worse. We all choose who our friends are, who we choose to hang out with, activities we like to do, and simple things such as if we should jump off the last 4 steps or walk down them.

So if we are all born with the ability to choose what we would rather do, why can we not choose to die if our lives are in such a miserable condition you can not continue with them?

Kevorkian managed to bring this choice to his patients around the nation. I do not consider him a murder on the sole count that he never actually killed anyone, he prescribed the drugs that would eventually kill his patients and assisted with administration. Many of the families he helped would say that he did the right thing and would recommend his services to other families where someone they love dear is suffering.

If you read the linked article you can find what He will be doing with his time outside of prison, and I agree with it. If someone thinks their life is in such bad shape they need to die, they should be able to choose a physician to help them with the pain of their death. If you were convinced you were ready to die how would you do it? Slash your wrists, use a gun, hang? or would you choose the option of a quiet painless death?

The choice is yours not anyone else's, just like everything in life.


anniemosity said...

interesting viewpoint. i hadn't ever aligned assisted suicide with pro-choice. interesting assessment, mr. jacobson.

i don't know how i feel on the matter. i agree completely with the freedom of choice argument, and, if i had a family member in bad shape and in great pain, i'd rather have them die peacefully than to take their own life in a gruesome way. however, something just doesn't sit right with me about kevorkian. i don't know, i don't know.

also, sparks is back... that sneak.

Anonymous said...

How's my little Tony?

This post just made me feel very carnal.

anniemosity said...

come back tony!