Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hows my little 8 planets?

In grade school I was very exctied about space travel and all things space. In science my favorite unit was the outer space unit because I knew so much already and loved learning more. Learning about the different planets from Ms. Frizzle and the magic school bus was my absolute favorite.

You may recall:
My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas!


Science...that rat bastard...just gave pluto the pink slip. It has now been thrown into the ranks of other dwarf planets such as Ceres (a large asteroid) and an object cordially named UB313. Thats right folks...we are now a solar system family of eight (with three undeveloped siblings we don't choose to mention)

How does that make you feel pluto? You've just been kicked out of our posse. Mother-F'in Earth just kicked your ass out. Hope you got the memo.

My Very Evil Mother Just Served Us Nails

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hows my little recharge?

I have two things I should be doing right now, sleeping and/or reading.
Notice informative blogging is not one? me too.

You folks with laptops and other similar electronics listen your ears up. Dr. Jason Staab has informed me that for one to prolong their battery life you should attempt these steps:

If you mostly use your laptop plugged into the wall, pop out your battery.
This is dangerous though, as when you unplug it without the battery in you lose all your info. Losing+info = bad. out of use battery = longer life!

Keep your battery relatively cool.
Don't leave it in your hot, nor your cold car. Room temp. is ideal for this bit. Also its worth mentioning when you take your battery out of your computer like mentioned in step 1, this helps keep it cooler than if plugged in(Double life-saving!)


Try to charge your battery when its around 40% full.
Something to do with chemestry and metal and other junk points to this being important. So don't do what I do and let it nearly die before charging. Charge it whenever the hell you want! Letting it die all the way (or almost) makes it's lifetime shorter!


If you aren't going to be using your battery for awhile charge it about halfway and leave it at that.

If your computer has a little "fuel gauge" or, battery life indicator, it is healthy to run your battery all the way dead every now and then. every couple of months or so-ish.

These steps work for Lithium Ion(Li-Ion) batteries commonly found in laptops and cell phones. My information came from here and here.
A public service announcement from your Fatness truly, Tony!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Hows my little opinion?

I have wanted to bitch about something lately here on my blog.
I couldn't decide what to vent about though.
I mean I REALLY want to bitch, moan, complain and curse about shit that upsets me.

So here they ALL are:


This winter Duluth has absofucking no snow to speak of. If it weren't for the two dustings we have had in the last few weeks it would be baron brown and shitty outside. Instead it is gray, moist, and annoyingly slippery on the sidewalks. Lay it on me god, I want mounds of that white stuff piled outside my door.


The music industry is complaining that album sales are the lowest they have been in five years. But at Best Buy today I saw why, fucking $14.00 or more for 13 tracks and only 3 of them worth listening to? Well shit, no wonder people are pirating music it cost so damn much to get it you might as well. An album is worth no more than ten bucks to me, and thats right up there on the edge. If i want to support an artist I'll see them in concert and buy their shit there, that is...If I can afford to go.

How are we sending more troops over to Iraq. 21,000 MORE???!!? AHHHH I can't stand seeing more people die for this stupid reason(what is the reason anymore?). I saw a picture on CNN a few days ago that nearly killed me, there was actually blood running down a street from so many dead people, a dual car-bomb explosion caused it. Hell, even the Iraqi Prime minister wants us to start getting the hell out.

Our warming planet:

GLOBAL WARMING. Its only a little important, seeing it doesn't effect just me and my stupid opinions it effects EVERYONE. I seem to live in a country that almost embraces a warmer planet. WTF. I saw Gore's Power point turned feature film today, 'An Inconvenient Truth' It is a movie worth seeing, rent it and watch it with all of your friends. It is not nearly as boring as I imagined it would be. Its informative and inspiring. If the government will not do something it might help your vote to influence the government, but even that doesn't always work. One stunning fact I got from the video: Of 928 peer-reviewed scientific articles on global climate change published between 1993 and 2003, every article supported the human-caused global warming. But, here is the kicker, the media calls it a theory, debatable, or a natural trend. Sure it is natural, but not on THIS magnitude. Check out this graph on its 'naturalness':

President Bush:

Bush's 'victory' 2000 was a mistake on a few levels. I can't even think of something that I thought Man...good move prez, that will make my life better in the long run. UNLESS I get super rich, then I know that how much money I will have to pen to the tax man will be small. Or lets recall how he vetoed American scientists research on stem cells putting the intelligent scientists America works so hard at training at a global disadvantage in research on such small problems as spinal cord injuries, lukemia, or that other small problem, what is it....oh, CANCER. Or maybe how he took money out of our "untouchable" social security bankroll to get things kicked off in the death march we call the Iraq war. Remember that Mission Accomplished banner on that Aircraft carrier? Me either, we are still fucking killing and getting killed over there. But my all time FAVORITE memory of Bush is the Kyoto treaty. Anyone remember that one? No? it didn't help solve world peace, but god damnit it could help KEEP it in about 25 years when millions of people are looking for a few other places to live because their old living room is better as a boat house than for watching lost. FUCK!!! Even Switzerland signed the damn thing and they don't give a damn about global politics. Check out how much of the world gives a damn about keeping it like it is:

The State of the union is going to kill me tomorrow I'm sure of it.

So there you have it. I'm upset about a few things right now, maybe you could tell. As a college student I don't have too much power to change things. I have attempted to use the little power I do have by voting. Until I free myself from the ball and chain called student life, I will continue voicing my opinion to the world via blog. With an education and with a little bit of will I can and will make a difference in this place I love so much. As I have said before and will continue saying, Give me a chance to shine and I'm going to blind the world.

Hows my little color?

New colors!
What do you think?

Someday I hope to actually be good at making web-sites.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hows my little alien artifact?

School started..yay.
Laura and I are hitting things off wonderfully =)
I quit the hotel.
I am apparently 15% gay.
New wine is in the process of brewing.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Hows my little innovation?

Everyone should own a roomba.

Tonight I turned Gunter on to show Laura what it did quick, she called it creepy and said it will probably attack me in my sleep. I disagree...Gunter is a fighter and will face me in the eye.

The Edges around our house have never looked better!

Its a neat little toy, I push a button, leave my music on a reasonable level in my room and when it sings at me something needs to happen for me to investigate. So it sang the first time and it was because it got stuck on a stray carpet loop. The next time it sang was because it had filled up his butt and needed to poo. So i emptied its dust and it went upon its merry way. There was just a big crash so I imagine it got into some trouble that i better go investigae.

Gunter..youre a neat little vacuume thingy.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Hows my little good grief?

I just found out a few hundred trillion more reasons to dislike the Iraq sucide battling.

The cost to the US:


Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hows my little scared to sleep?

I was down in the cities this weekend havin a ball with some of the ol folks i love from MVHS. It was fine and dandy, as we are now all 21 we thought it would be a good idea to go to get our drink on friday night. I have been drinking substantially less of late, to lower my tolerance...and lower it I have. whew!
Anyway we drank we danced and there was even a small amount of singing (but no microphones were involved). Afterwards I decided it was a fantastic idea to do a lot of running and jumping off of..... everything (walls, benches, ledges, trashcans, light poles, stop lights...everything) which is always great fun. The ride home was uneventful.

But this part is more interesting.

I get back to Matt's house (my temporary home) and grab a bunch of water to drink for hangover prevention. Take off my pants and socks, remembering that the previous night I was a little chilly I left my long sleeved shirt on, and crawled in bed ready for a great snooze.

The next thing I remember is being cold.

So I can't figure out for the life of my why I am so cold. I adjust the blanket on me and it feels really course and unblanket-y, so I adjusted it to the best I could but it would only cover just a small portion of my legs. Frustrated and still mostly asleep I just gave up on it and slumped asleep, until my hand slipped off my belly and touched the coldest surface EVER.

This needless to say gave me a jolt of confusion and I was instantly awake. This is not a surface that was in my bed the previous night, so, naturally I copped a feel. I ran my hands across the smooth metal casing of the Midthun family washing machine and across the rounded edge of their dryer.

Dumbfounded, I thought to myself, 'no, thats not possible.'
Possible it was I found out after some more feeling around.

I swung my legs around and lept off of the washer and dryer confused as hell. For some reason I remembered that if I was here I would have brought something with me so in the dark in my boxers and long sleeved shirt i felt around for a familiar fabric and stumbled across my pants on the floor.

At this point I can't believe I just woke up on top of someon's....ANYONES washer and dryer. So I flick on the light just to make sure I really had, sure enough there they were. The rough blanket that wasn't keeping me warm was a floor mat no bigger than 2x3 feet. Shocked, I flicked off the light and went back upstairs to the bed I was invited to sleep in, and most surely slept there for the remainder of the night.

I am a sleepwalker, I do have a history of doing that but its been over a decade since I remember/have been caught doing it. And officially I am scared of what i could do while sleepwalking. If I hadn't gotten cold I would have surely slept atop the washer/dryer for the remainder of the night. where else did I walk around to? What did I do? How did I walk down stairs and not fall? Most important, How come I don't remember ANY OF IT?

So that is probably the funniest thing that has happened to me in months, might be the best story of '07. Hope you got a good laugh.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Hows my little '07?

New years eve should be a work holiday, so i make that extra money that i get to make on such days.

Ringing in the new year was anti-climatic. I was on an elevator.


with trash.

so naturally it got me thinking;
What is the new year anyway?
Christmas is about family and seeing people you love.
New years eve is another excuse to get drunk...yes
Also an excuse to be drunk with your close friends...and strangers...yes/yes
Not trash...yes

So what REALLY is the new year?
as many of you know I have a small fascination considering time and how it works and blah blah.
My conclusion on the new year?
The whole world literally celebrates the earth's passing through a 'designated' area in space begining a 'new' revolution around the sun.

after pushing the trash from the elevator I felt better about working at the stroke of midnight. That was easy.

The next part of the night was better.
I picked up WHHHHHAAATTT and OOOOOOKAAAAYY on the street near a bar I'm sure they were at. we got back to my place had a fantastic three person dance party. I played catch-up very well. By the time i was ready to go WHHHHHATTTTT had passed out somewhere upstairs, I was sure my bed, but not entirely(I had last seen her on the floor). OOOOOOOOKKKAAAAAYYYY passed out in the middle of a sentence in our conversation. So I watched TV for a bit and slept on my futon in the creative room.

The morning was the best part though.
I awoke to OOOOKKKKAAYYY in the bathroom making a very vocal deposit into our toilet. WHHHHHHHAAAATTT apparently had crawled into the first room that wasn't a staircase and found herself on my roommate halie's bed. I wasnt wearing pants.

All in all new years was a happy one. It was another day with my fantastic friends...who happened to be drunker than usual.