There has been lots of talk in the news about how the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have taken(and reaffirmed) a stance that their leaders may not be openly homosexual.
"While the BSA does not proactively inquire about the sexual orientation of employees, volunteers, or members, we do not grant membership to individuals who are open or avowed homosexuals or who engage in behavior that would become a distraction to the mission of the BSA."
For some of you this might sound like a weird topic for me to address but I've got a special spot in my heart for the BSA. I spent about 10 really fun years of my life actively participating in Boy Scouts. I made it through Weblos, and worked hard at earning my Eagle award, the highest award in scouting. Undoubtedly Boy Scouts was one of the biggest influences on my life outside of my parents and closest friends. I experienced so much, and met so many different individuals that were all taught lifelong skills including first aid, a love for outdoors, and leadership.
I've read that some former scouts have sent their Eagle badge back to the BSA as a protest against their anti-gay stance. This is a sticky issue admittedly for some people, I get it. If a gay man leading a group of young boys and men out into the woods, who is to stop him from praying on these innocent children, taking advantage of their youth and naivety.
This is an absurd stance to take. For example, I really love the company of women. In fact I'm currently in a loving and (ahem) relationship with one. If someday I was asked to lead a girl scout troop into the woods to teach them about camping, lighting fires, tell them ghost stories, and help demystify the world around them, I would. Granted it wouldn't be a first choice of weekend fun but I would do it, while never even considering the darker realms of what could happen. But by the logic of the BSA I would probably take innocence away from at least several families before the weekend was up...since I prefer females sexually.
The point is, just because someone loves a certain type of someone doesn't mean they'll make a move on every person that fits that description. I would even ventrue a guess to say that the majority of people have some pretty good judgement, especially considering minors.
So really the BSA is thinking that having a gay leader is more like a sexual predator with a hidden agenda. In truth there isn't a difference between a openly gay Boy Scout leader and a straight one. Both are leaders to boys who might need a father in their life, or strong guidance, someone to tell the truth to, someone who can teach them right and wrong, a person who honestly cares about them, a person who wants to help another person reach their goals however minor they may be. Like everywhere, there are a few bad eggs in every lot, some men do require young boys to satisfy them. In reality there should be a convicted sexual predator screening for leadership, not a homosexual screening.
Like everything else just because a few bad people have done something wrong dosen't mean that the rest of the good people in the world should bear their shame. There are plenty of gay and straight men in the world more than willing to help mold another young person's life into something that instills exactly what the morals of the Boy Scouts stand for.
I am proudly against this stance or any stance that doesn't give equal rights to a person who wants to love anther person of their sex. Witholding the rights of fellow Americans because of something as simple and free as love is wrong. Leading, marrying, and every other right that every American is granted in our country is an easy and just decision. Allow it.