That is one on the first titles that made a complete sentence in a while...go me!
The United states government has two big problems right now.
Fun Problem/Solution time!
Here goes:
First. The economy is doing pretty shitty. (that means less babies are being made meaning fewer taxes being paid in the future, very bad)
Solution: Pass an even more massive economic stimulus package to not only taxpayers but businesses as well! about $800,000,000,000.00ish? Even better.
Second and MOST IMPORTANT. There are actually over 1 million people who don't have cable or sattelite(!) who are waiting on their government sponsored coupon to buy a converter for their shitty TV(mine included)!!!
Solution: Push back the switch date farther (again) to allow more money to be allocated to these stupid bastards watching Survivor. But! while these procrastinators are waiting lets cleverly bundle it in with the $800,000,000,000.00ish 'stimulus' and call it helpful. This will add urgency.
Back to the taxpayer...
How do either of these problems get solved?
Well that is easy!
Buy a TV on sale from a nation-wide company based out of a city nowhere close to the taxpayer's local economy, which is manufactured by a company located in across an ocean in a country with an even more dismal economy, which is outfitted with a digital tuner so that they can now say that they have stimulated an eastern company's economy all while maintaining their debt on their house and credit card(s) to their local bank.
At least there is still survivor.
Survivor seems fitting huh?