This update is about Mii Myself and I!
Holy crap I've been trying to come up with some good ideas for blogs about my great thoughts and aimless thinking. But I haven't come up with much lately along those lines.
So I'll blabber about me.
I am now the proud owner of a Wii! I saw my first one to buy since I got my parents one in December, naturally I bought it fearing I wouldn't see another one for another six months. Now to get my hands on a copy of Mario Kart and Rock band.
My cat Jinx has been all sorts of excited about having new friends to play with and sniff, but her new friends don't like her one bit and the other one is a dog and she doesn't like him. It is fun to watch her adventures with the other cats though.
Since moving in with my parents I've gained probably without exaggeration 15-20 pounds around my belly, my pants to fit like they used to. I've become a lazy slug apparently. I'm not a member of the two bills club.
This weekend I accidentally bought one day as a lion's new CD thinking it was a band similar to the hush sound I ended up with The old Rage against the Machine singer's side project, which was quite the surprise.
I put my first bid down on a house and got abruptly shot down, it was a long shot anyway.
I've sarted brewing a strawberry wine, I have the fixins for a Johannesburg Riesling and my first shot at beer, a Bock.
I no longer want an iPhone because I can't afford the plan.
I'm growing a new love and fondness for electronica music thanks to Pandora at work.
Work is going well My computer is crazy slow but apparently that will be fixed soon. There is nothing worse than a computer nerd who can't toy with is office computer.
I'm excited for new things to come.