Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Hows my little Friendship?

Friends are wonderful.
MY friends are wonderful. I love all of them. They are always there for me, If I am having a problem, I have a friend who is willing to listen, talk, laugh, and help. If I get a crazy idea I have a friend who will help me get it off the ground. If I want a drink or 12 I have friends who will buy me one or stumble home with me. I even have friends who are good enough to help people with a ride at any hour of the day.

Right now friends, our lives are all at different spots, some of us are graduating, some of us have to think about graduating, some of us have to think about thinking of graduating, some are beginning new lives elsewhere, some of them already have. Some of us will become memories, while others of us will grow closer than ever.

Life for me is at an interesting point, for the first time in my entire scholastic career I actually like what I am learning and applying. I am dating someone that truly makes me happy and that I enjoy every moment with. My friendships are as strong as they have ever been, I laugh and love more than ever. I feel like I'm closer with my parents more than ever, even if they are out of the state.

As for my friends from High School, its finally dawned on me. Its going to be hard to stay as good of friends as we once were. I don't have a common home to go see my family and you cats at the same time. But I still think of you, some of the best stories I tell involve all of you. I have made an effort to go out and see you, and you have me as well. I truly appreciate every offer for a warm place to sleep over any time I want to come to the cities. Its gestures like that that keep me loving the world and the people I know in it.

To the kids I know from college, I love you all. You know it too. I am really trying from here on out to make time to get all of my work done, as well as doing a good job with it. But I am also trying to see you and let you know that I am thinking of you as often as ever. Anne Clifford You left, but I feel like we are better friends since you did. Although I am not just around as much, I still am always thinking of all of you and haven't forgotten any one of you. I am rethinking what I want with myself right now and in the future, and I think I have an idea, but now I just need to balance me out with you. That is going to take some time. Be patient with me while I get used to things, I can't do it all, but I'm trying to do some.

I only have a year left at UMD. At the same time though, I have a WHOLE YEAR left at UMD. The time is flying, and we will too. During this time and after I use this blog as a tool, it helps me let you know how I am doing, and what I am thinking. And that is why I write it, to stay close to you, my friends and family.

That was pretty mushy, sorry.


  1. love, love, loveeeeeeeee.

  2. oh tony.
    this was such a warm fuzzy post.
    normally warm fuzzy posts set off my gag reflex, but this one just made me smile.
    i call you my one friend from high school i still keep in touch with... even though we never once met in high school.
    i love you.
