Monday, February 05, 2007

Hows my little if Procrastinating was....?

If Procrastinating was an art form, I would be a master and people would travel the world to seek my expert guide in said skills. I haven't made a list in quite awhile so lets bring that baby back...We will start at today's beginning, naturally.

- Hung out with laura, we watched UHF, funny movie, David Bowie is in it. Weird Al stars in it though. [shiver]

- Worked on homework at school, decided watching the superbowl would be more entertaining.

- Left school, noticed my car hates me and the -7 high that we had today.

- Arrived at home to see that the TV was in-use by my two roomies who do nothing but stare at it in their free time. Damn.

- Jason stopped in for a bit.

- We did some wine making.

- Opened up my sister's digital camera, this excited Jason but he had to leave to star in his Co-Opted radio show 'The Fogwatch''s making him World Famous.

- I continued futzing with said camera, Got it to work...Briefly.

- Broke said (recently un-)broken camera...sadness.

- Realized I missed ALL of the Superbowl commercials, more sadness.

- Facebooked/blogstalked/Read news/wasted lots of time on the Internet.

- Looked for a job.

- Found a Desirable Job.

- Opened word document with resume.

- Decided Photshopping would be fun




- Posted those three pictures after proper photoshopping time invested.

- Updated Resume.

- Tried looking up Superbowl commercials online, fruitlessly and half-assed.

- Wrote cover letter.

- Read BBC News.

- Read CNN News.

- Read Google 'News'.

- Finished application.

- Ate a couple of the cinnamon rolls Laura and I made yesterday.

- Sent in Application, Resume, and Cover Letter.

- Facebooked.

- Wrote a blog detailing my absentmindedness.

- Changed into Pj's and decided to wake up early in the morning for more homework.

- Published Blog


  1. ahahaha. that's quite a list tony, what the hell were you trying to not do?
