Monday, February 12, 2007

Hows my little out of towner?

This weekend I went to Madison Wisconsin.
I like Duluth less now because of it.
Now, Don't get me wrong. Duluth and I, we are still on good terms, but its like a mutually bad relationship and we are begnning to fall out of love with each other. I have said for about 6 months or more now, Duluth is an excellent place to go to college, and an even better place to visit.

As a college kid it has everything; opinionated people, plenty of places to drink (cheaply), a wonderful assortment of shopping, a plethara of outdoor activities, many people who like doing said activities, parks, senics, entry-level work, and hobos to talk to.

As a nearing college graduate though, what it does not have is real well paying jobs. Kind of important. Unless you work for the hospital...then you're set. Which brings me to my next point.

As soon as I graduate I will be slipping out of Duluth, MN faster than watery poop. I have no idea where I'll be heading, but its going to be out of here.

Up until a couple of months ago I was pretty sure I was moving back to the cities somewhere, But Ireland really opened my eyes to the rest of the world, and now so has this trip to Madison. There are tons of cool places to go and live, and I'm not going to be able to just end up somewhere familiar and safe like the cities. I know you might be saying, 'Tony...Wisconsin?' I would reply with, well the city was cool as hell, and not full of creepy people, but also, no not just wisconsin, somewhere new, unique, interesting, and different.

I moved to bemidji for a change of settings and I enjoyed it for what I could, now I have now had my fill of Duluth rock city, its time for me to move on. I am a traveler and a wanderer not to be tied to one place while I am young and movable.


  1. Madison is is Indianapolis! Never should have sent you and Amanda to Ireland...I may never see you guys after graduation!

  2. dude. . .dude! i'm applying for some americorps projects in madison. if accepted, i'll be there- a lot! all the time! if you are there a lot or all the time, we should totally hang out. like. and i'll never say 'dude' again, i swear it!

  3. Move to Ireland with me. It'll be great!
