Monday, January 01, 2007

Hows my little '07?

New years eve should be a work holiday, so i make that extra money that i get to make on such days.

Ringing in the new year was anti-climatic. I was on an elevator.


with trash.

so naturally it got me thinking;
What is the new year anyway?
Christmas is about family and seeing people you love.
New years eve is another excuse to get drunk...yes
Also an excuse to be drunk with your close friends...and strangers...yes/yes
Not trash...yes

So what REALLY is the new year?
as many of you know I have a small fascination considering time and how it works and blah blah.
My conclusion on the new year?
The whole world literally celebrates the earth's passing through a 'designated' area in space begining a 'new' revolution around the sun.

after pushing the trash from the elevator I felt better about working at the stroke of midnight. That was easy.

The next part of the night was better.
I picked up WHHHHHAAATTT and OOOOOOKAAAAYY on the street near a bar I'm sure they were at. we got back to my place had a fantastic three person dance party. I played catch-up very well. By the time i was ready to go WHHHHHATTTTT had passed out somewhere upstairs, I was sure my bed, but not entirely(I had last seen her on the floor). OOOOOOOOKKKAAAAAYYYY passed out in the middle of a sentence in our conversation. So I watched TV for a bit and slept on my futon in the creative room.

The morning was the best part though.
I awoke to OOOOKKKKAAYYY in the bathroom making a very vocal deposit into our toilet. WHHHHHHHAAAATTT apparently had crawled into the first room that wasn't a staircase and found herself on my roommate halie's bed. I wasnt wearing pants.

All in all new years was a happy one. It was another day with my fantastic friends...who happened to be drunker than usual.


  1. so that makes you....



    ps. do you know of a way to get voicemails on the computer?

  2. HA'LETSGOOOO was MIA w/ a handsome chap that eve...BUT got a phone call (times 2,infact)from the location of WHAAAAAAAAT & OKAAAAAAAAY...probably at YEAAAAAAAAH'S dig?! drop a line when someone knows how to upload vmails. :) later dudes...

    THE kp
