Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hows my little offbeat?

I will be in the twin cities soon for a limited time.
I might call you. Call me if you want.

This holiday time of year has so far swept right under my feet almost without knowing entirely. Its like I am preoccupied with something and I just have not felt holiday-ish. People would say merry christmas to me and I would just respond with an unsteady 'thanks' until I was actually breathing down saint nick's neck I couldn't bring myself to say "Merry Christmas" back to someone. I think I dished out a total 6 verbal Merry Christmases. Evidently Christmas came and went without much anticipation and hooplah (minus seeing my family that was a long time coming and missed) and now new years eve is showing its ugly face tomorrow and I will be working and ringing in the new year with the phone. If it wasn't for people calling at work reminding me of its quick approach, I might have forgotten about this one altogether.
So needless to say its been a strange 'feeling' break thus far. A good strange though. Indiana was good, I am happy I saw all of my family, I raked in some good booty from santa too!

I named this little guy Gunter (say with best german accent)
Its one of those vaccuming robots, its nothing short of mesmorizing.

I've been listening the shit out of Stadium Arcadium's Mars Album the last few days at work.
I am currently in love with the 3rd track Hard to Concentrate.

I just finished the first of hopefully 3 books over break, Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz. Fantastic.
Up Next: Fahrenheit 451

Have you ever encountered someone that you thought of them smiling made you smile?


  1. Oh my god, I can't wait to meet Gunter. I already bought him a box of biscuits and a chew toy!

  2. did you bring chip back?

  3. fattonytcl (2:59:54 AM): anne, ijust want you to know. sam is passed the FUCK out on my bed...maybe last i checked she was on the floor. her and jason drank a shit storm of booze at her place and the tap room. i picked em up at 1ish and jason and i proceeded to drink while same barfed her guts out.
    fattonytcl (3:01:36 AM): twas quite good, staabers is passed out on my bed i have consumed about 6 beers in an hour and a half so i am drunk and enjoying jayz and beyonce's video deja vu and about to pass out because sam has captured my bed
    fattonytcl (3:01:40 AM): jerk
    fattonytcl (3:03:01 AM): but anne i love you and don't close this message until you read it in the most soberest of forms.....lord knows im going to forget sending this novel to you...afterall prince's 1999 video is playing... MUAH!
    fattonytcl (3:05:17 AM): #$%^^ edit...jason is passed out on the couch...sam somewhere upstairs, iam on my way to the futon
    fattonytcl (3:05:27 AM): remember when we made out?
    fattonytcl (3:05:49 AM): haha =) HAPPY NEW YEAR~~~
    fattonytcl (3:11:16 AM): I thought that i would come back to shamefully say i like dance dance by fall out boy. jason is snoring and my laptop is increasing my neeed to pee by hangin out RIGHT ON TOP OF ME BADDER
    fattonytcl (3:11:27 AM): stop being so distracting
    fattonytcl (3:11:31 AM): im off to bed
    fattonytcl (3:11:37 AM): much love
    fattonytcl (3:11:47 AM): chipotle friday or saturday?
    fattonytcl (3:11:52 AM): MUAH

    you are fantastic tony jacobson.
    happy new year.
