Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hows my little scared to sleep?

I was down in the cities this weekend havin a ball with some of the ol folks i love from MVHS. It was fine and dandy, as we are now all 21 we thought it would be a good idea to go to get our drink on friday night. I have been drinking substantially less of late, to lower my tolerance...and lower it I have. whew!
Anyway we drank we danced and there was even a small amount of singing (but no microphones were involved). Afterwards I decided it was a fantastic idea to do a lot of running and jumping off of..... everything (walls, benches, ledges, trashcans, light poles, stop lights...everything) which is always great fun. The ride home was uneventful.

But this part is more interesting.

I get back to Matt's house (my temporary home) and grab a bunch of water to drink for hangover prevention. Take off my pants and socks, remembering that the previous night I was a little chilly I left my long sleeved shirt on, and crawled in bed ready for a great snooze.

The next thing I remember is being cold.

So I can't figure out for the life of my why I am so cold. I adjust the blanket on me and it feels really course and unblanket-y, so I adjusted it to the best I could but it would only cover just a small portion of my legs. Frustrated and still mostly asleep I just gave up on it and slumped asleep, until my hand slipped off my belly and touched the coldest surface EVER.

This needless to say gave me a jolt of confusion and I was instantly awake. This is not a surface that was in my bed the previous night, so, naturally I copped a feel. I ran my hands across the smooth metal casing of the Midthun family washing machine and across the rounded edge of their dryer.

Dumbfounded, I thought to myself, 'no, thats not possible.'
Possible it was I found out after some more feeling around.

I swung my legs around and lept off of the washer and dryer confused as hell. For some reason I remembered that if I was here I would have brought something with me so in the dark in my boxers and long sleeved shirt i felt around for a familiar fabric and stumbled across my pants on the floor.

At this point I can't believe I just woke up on top of someon's....ANYONES washer and dryer. So I flick on the light just to make sure I really had, sure enough there they were. The rough blanket that wasn't keeping me warm was a floor mat no bigger than 2x3 feet. Shocked, I flicked off the light and went back upstairs to the bed I was invited to sleep in, and most surely slept there for the remainder of the night.

I am a sleepwalker, I do have a history of doing that but its been over a decade since I remember/have been caught doing it. And officially I am scared of what i could do while sleepwalking. If I hadn't gotten cold I would have surely slept atop the washer/dryer for the remainder of the night. where else did I walk around to? What did I do? How did I walk down stairs and not fall? Most important, How come I don't remember ANY OF IT?

So that is probably the funniest thing that has happened to me in months, might be the best story of '07. Hope you got a good laugh.


  1. good laugh i had indeed.

    now, you can't give me shit for passing out in your hallway and moving to hailey's bed. cause you passed out on a washer/dryer, which is actually way cooler.

    i love it.

  2. um
    that story is awesome.

    i'm curious as to what we said in the message... i'm bracing myself for public humiliation.

  3. i need to read bloggers blogs more often.

    hahahahhahaha. STILL LAUGHING...hahahahahahah.
