Monday, October 02, 2006

Hows my little abstraction?

I bought a bag of reeses yesterday in the halloween section of walgreens, (where one would at this time of year) and am now eating the last one in the bag. I got back from class to notice only 4 of however many were left from last night alone.

ladies, the gateway to my heart is through reeses peanutbutter cups.
remember when they used to have that little white square of cardboard underneath them in the package...? I do, they dont anymore, which makes me happy, they were just more garbage.

remember when trix were ball shaped too?

I bottled batch number 2 of my wine yesterday, I kind of screwed up and now its not as crystal clear as it should be, in the siphoning process i dropped the tube down into the settled lees (dormant yeast and grape junk), but oh well. As a red wine goes it is very very drinkable and will be taking orders starting right now. in about 2-3 months is when it should be technically drank.

i have a sweet travel schedule set up for the coming months which is thrilling.
oct 20-22 Bemidji
oct 28 (not traveling) flogging molly is in duluth
Nov 3-5 ISU
Nov 23-29 IRELAND!! visiting mah sis!!
Dec 22-28 Indiana

wowie sounds like fun!


  1. we need to fucking hang out. asap.

  2. of course i want to curl up for some porn with you.

    anal drilling perhaps?
    dustin diamond and dirty sanchezs?


    looking foward to next titascular tuesday.


  3. k... you can never bitch at me about not updating after this.
