Sunday, September 24, 2006

New look same (great) words

what do you think? i spent far too much of my sunday afternoon doing this


  1. i like the colors, i don't know about the text. and is the text pink on the right? or is it just me?

  2. i think it's lovely...the nautical stars make me think you're some super punk emo kid...buuut i like that ;) haha eheh hoho...yeah ur a ho

  3. thank you for bringing that to my attention, i was only looking at my page in firefox, with the IE devil and safari the pictures show up, I will have to make them different

  4. I don't see any stars. Tony, you are better than sad little emo boy. If there are stars.

    I like the pink.

  5. i like it. how do you come up with so many "how's my little..."

  6. i don't like the pink/red combo
    but the design is nice.

    i want to see your beard.

  7. i don't want to see the beard. what is this beard? it better be gone by the end of november.
