Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hows my little six year old?

Today was a normal day...it began like most others, waking up, eating , that whole deal.

On the way to class is when it deviated from the norm.
I hopped off the bus, took my bike off the front, and headed to the other side of campus in a cheery mood. along the way i like rolling down hills dodging cars and people and bouncing on and off curbs. So like a normal curb bunny hopping day I was jumping off the edge of the little handicap acess to the sidewalk (see ASCII drawing):

edge i hopped off [---is the curb/sidewalk}

well shortly after landing my front wheel hit some loose sand and decided to point the way i wasnt moving. after some quick manuevering and a very near faceplant, and a tuck and roll. The falling process took approximatly 30 to 40 feet and I tumbled off my bike for the first time in I think 6 or more years.
I ended up skining up my knee pretty bad, have two blood blisters on my fingertips and cut up my hand pretty bad. BUT I LIVED, which is important.

Also today Jason and I worked out and played a game of 3 on 3 hoops with some strangers, wich is the first time I've done that in 5 years I think. well the hoops part at least, i seem to be working out regularly

Second monthly titacular tuesday is tonight, it should be a good one.

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