Saturday, May 13, 2006

Hows my little l-i-v-i-n?

Folks, the long part of school is done! I did ok on all of my finals but one. It has been summer now for a few days here, but it has been rainy and cold LAMELAMELAME. Jon came up last week and we had a wonderful time.

Jason left for Japan today, He is going to be over there working and traveling around hither and tither. I loaded up a bunch of tunes on my nomad for him last night so that he can listen to all sorts of good stuff. I'm gunna miss him.
Did you know ANYONE can be an AARP member as long as they sign up and have their 12.50 annual fee, found that one on CNN. Neat huh?
Ann is leaving me for a new life down in the cities, thats going to be sad.
I am excitied to be up in Duluth all summer, I am not excited to miss lots of thngs about home though. for example:

* Disc golfing a lot, or at all
* A mall or best buy that I don't hate driving to
* Ma and Pa and Sis
* Chip
* Watching movies in justin's basement, even though he doesn't want to
* Watching movies in Tony's Basement because he wanted to
* Trading music
* Being loud and stupid in a car
* Seeing nearly every movie that comes out in the summertime
* Seeing said movies at midnight
* Taco Bell
* Swimming in gross ponds to find frisbee golf discs
* and most of all...MY FRIENDS!!

but its ok, I know some good people up here who will make the time fly, I am excited up here to play my drum outside and try to make a total of one dollar this summer, putting a remote starter in my car, having enough money to live, lallapalooza? riding my bike to lots of places, learning about how to design things, taking summertime pictures of Duluth, Walking by the lake, and what I am going to start today...MAKING WINE!!!

Well folks it has been a while since I wrote, that pretty much sums things up, there was a time last week that I went for 3 days-ish with only 4 hours of sleep under my belt, but I got everything done and that pleases me. Take it easy all, and feel free to visit the city of Duluth this summer, I am a good host! ask Erin, she will vouch for me.


  1. i still need to get a drum.

  2. Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

  3. Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
