Sunday, May 07, 2006

Hows my little finals week?

I want to be really excited for summer, but the monday after finals week(may 15th) I start my two may term classes, along with work....I have been beating my ass raw to get it ready for this term.
Jon is coming tuesday.
I have like 5 things due monday and only one mostly done...waa waa.
I had the pleasure of seeing the presidents of the united states of america live on friday. remember them? I think they were only worth the 5$ the student ticket was, like them recorded better, but it was a fun happy show.
Working at the frront desk is good, I am busy non-stop and thats good for me because it leaves me no time to sand or sit bored.
Stadium Arcadium is deliciously good, I have a date with The Anniemosity to romp up to best buy on tuesday when it comes out.
I am doing an art project where I make myself a slinky sort of...

Keep rockin folks, and I hope those of you with finals still left get some sleep


  1. Hey I thought you were working on homework over there on your laptop! Cheater McCheaten Face. Ha. You could belong to the Blue Man group

    god it's good.
