Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hows my little Japanese blogger?

Hey Kids, my delightful roomie, Jason 'will' Staab otherwise known as the Japanese Stabber, has blogged from the far east, or the Orient, if you will. It sounds like Japan is terating him well. He managed to find the only Zoo ever with moving animals, and it also sounds like he is having a good time with a postman and food (which are unrelated) he like every good traveler friend of mine has taken some pictures of Forigen Graffiti, which was wonderful of him.

My life on the other hand has been much less exciting, Ann took off today for the land of skyscrapers and mini-apples. I am home alone now, but on the other hand I am really busy with school, I am taking two May term classes, For those of you who arent clear about what a may term class consists of, it is a three week crash course where one day is equivalant to a week's worth of classes. For me that is 8 hours a day of class and on average at night three hours of home work, 3 hours of piddiling around, and 5 hours of sleep, not sure where the other 5 hours go...

I saw United 93 a couple of days ago too.

don't see united 93

I think I could have filmed it if I had 4 arabic friends willing to run around yelling things about allah in an airplane set. The character development was shitty..but then again what is there to develop, none of them are going to be around to get the girl at the end. In fact I am suprised Hollywood didn't change the ending to the movie to make sure one person got out alive for the sequal. As soon as the movie began I knew that it was going to bring closure at the end with a big black screen and white letters telling us some interesting figures about the day, and it did, three of them in fact. It did do a good job on the other hand evoking emotion. Going back to how I could have filmed this, If I could capture my friends amoung a frenzy of the arabic people screaming telling one of those airplane phones that they loved them, I think I could recreate it. altogether it was a disapointment. The fact that someone is making all sorts of money because of over a thousand deaths is absurd.

What was good about the movie though was the remake of 'The Omen' which was a sweet flick originaly. That come out june 6th, which if you didnt know yet is 6-6-06. good thing school is out, thats just asking for a shooting somewhere.

Justin pointed me to this song, its the new Shakira song with a different Girl singing. I bet the chick in it can't shake her ass like Shakira Can.


  1. I didn't go to the other side of the planet ahem (jason). And you did have good company for a bad movie. I am really glad that the motion sickness didn't make me throw up on your lap. :) Yea optimism.

  2. "The fact that someone is making all sorts of money because of over a thousand deaths is absurd."

    i agree whole heartedly. that's the reason i haven't gone to see it yet, and most likely won't go to see it.

    there is a church that does drum circles in duluth, what do ya say? The Unitarian Church in Woodland. i don't know what the woodland part means, i got it from

  3. Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
