Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hows my little facebooker?

I stumbled across some very interesting facebook facts on wikipedia, presented in wonderful bullet form.

* over 2,000 Universities are registered with facebook
* it is avaliabe at over 25,000 Canadian and American High Schools
* also 10 companies such as microsoft and pepsi use it as well
* it was founded in 2004 (you could call it a run away success)
* if you want to purchase facebook, all you need is 2 BILLION dollars

Privacy fun facts

* College students have been diciplined for drinking in dorms because of Facebook
* There are some instances when Employers check a future employee's profile and pictures before they hire them

The next bit is about college usage

* About 85% of students of facebooked colleges have a profile
* Of those who sign up, 60% log in DAILY
* 85% log in once a week
* 93% log in at least once a month

Pretty amazing for being around for only two years.
If you care you can read all of the features of it here:


  1. you'll come back to facebook.
    you can't avoid it forever.

  2. at first glance.... the facebook icon looks kinda like you.
