Monday, May 01, 2006

Hows my little panic!?

Folks, yesterday I woke up and decided to look at my calendar to see what I have on my plate this week. Turns out this is my last week of classes...I thought I had one more, so I am busy as shit starting/finishing all of my final projects this week.

News 'round the world.
I hear the catholic faith is looking into condom use to prevent AIDS, but not more babies.
Go immigrants! we need all of these illegal cats to do all the labor no real American wants to. I.E. plant gardens, clean up shit & puke, and to roof our houses.
Mexico is about to sign a bill into law saying you can posses small amounts of Heroin, Cocaine, Marijuana, and Extasy. Mexico Spring break '07 anybody?

News from me.
Things with Ann and I are great
School is so-so
I start the front desk job today
This week there will be a big investment in Energy drinks, for I won't be sleeping much
I still like people

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