Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hows my little MMXIII?

Two thousand and thirteen. Reflecting on you has been a real joy, but at the same time, I didn't look at you as a pivotal year in my life. Sure we had some good times, drank some good drinks, saw some cool things, commented on some interesting events but really you were nothing like 2012. Which is fine, there was enough going on for two years there.

So, here is some good stuff worth noting:
Movie (in theater):
This was a tough choice this year so I chose my top three from different categories:
Thor: The Dark World
The Conjuring

TV Show:
This year I got hooked on the Game of Thrones Series, its funny that my favorite shows in the past have all been HBO originals.

Charlie Parr @ Sleepy Creek Vineyards
(wins by default, but still really enjoyed it)

Bastille - Bad Blood

Old song that was new to me in 2013 Macklemore - Can't Hold Us

Assassins Creed Brotherhood - Fired up the PS3 this year and realized how much I like gaming.

George RR Martin - A Storm of Swords - 2013 might go down as the year I tackled most of A Song of Ice and Fire. Some pretty epic events happened in book 3 that kept the series twisting.

HTC One - New phone is better in almost every way than my old guy.

Northern Getaway 2013 - Twin Cities, Duluth, Washburn all in the summer sun with the best people I know. 

Garden Growth:
Habaneros - sadly our house was too humid to dry them properly, but holy shit were they hot.

The Pergola!

Intoxicating Beverage Tour:
The Biltmore winery tour was fantastic. 

Food Ferment: 
Kimchi! Laura loves it, I think it's surprisingly delicious too!

Alcoholic Ferment: 
Raspberry Mead
Whats in the carboy: Natural Wine Experiment, Peach Wine

Athletic Endeavor: 
Tough Mudder Chicago

Events of Note: 
Getting a big copper decanter on a whim.

reddit - this has stolen so much from and added so much to my life this year.

The Boston Marathon Bombing

News I'm oblivious to: 
Paula Deen or George Zimmerman

Chicago (and surrounding areas), Indianapolis, Toledo, Asheville, Twin Cities, Duluth, Washburn, St. Louis.

More events of note:
Riding my motorcycle every day I could
Buying a Subaru Outback
Bockfest 2013 was fantastic
Running two half-marathons with Laura
Total gallons fermented this year: 67.75(!)
Began regular yoga practice

This year I've decided that I'm going to touch the floor...with my palms.
In 2014 I am going to bend over without bending my knees and touch the floor with the palm of my hand. I've got about 6 inches before my fingertips can touch the ground, so I've got a long way to go. I'm 6'5" and my persistent running paired with a historically oak tree-like flexibility are stacked against my success, but motivation from the cosmic snoo along with extra yoga practice should turn this stiff giant into a rubbery noodle.
After that I think I'll do a handstand.

Last year I resolved to learn more about and drink more bubbly, I did a great job of drinking about one bottle of bubbles a month but didn't do a good job of learning more about bubbles.

So If 2012 went out like a lion and 2013 was a lamb. I'm predicting 2014 to be an exhausting liomb. There are already some exciting prospects for the year and with a lot of uncharted pieces that can fit into and make an interesting puzzle I'm sure it will be one worth remembering. Regardless, I'm going to continue to look inward to feel better outward. Currently life is pretty damn good and I've got a lot to look back onto fondly and plenty to look forward to excitedly. 

2014 I think I can handle what you've got. Bring it on, I dare you.

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