Saturday, December 28, 2013

Hows my little Christmas Stay-cation?

This year was our first christmas at our own home.


Laura's parents agreed that since they have a more flexible schedule, being retired and everything, that they could drive down to windy IL to visit us for christmas. We were incredibly thankful for that since it snowed around 10 inches in Washburn the day they left and more snow fell in the surrounding area. Since I don't have driving tranquilizers for Laura yet I was relieved to skip traveling for the most part this year.

less than a second after this picture the Ice cracked and we all ran away scared.
Tim had a hard time getting into the group photo.

We had a good time too! From shopping at the outlet mall in Tuscola to hiking around Kickapoo it was a good few days.

Since we were hosting this year we got to make Christmas dinner! We decided on red wine & rosemary braised lamb shanks, homemade/grown green bean casserole (everyone's favorite), mashed bourbon sweet potatoes, and banana cream pie.

Potato Volcano.

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