Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hows my little '10 recap?

2010 Has been a fantastic year for many reasons, the biggest one, my marriage to the former Ms. Davis. This year brought many fantastic things and ideas my way, and making them a part of my day to day has been an interesting journey that I am excited to continue.
Here's the breakdown:


Inception, I love movies that make you think. It didn't fall, right?

TV Show: Another year another season of TrueBlood. Its the only show I watch and I still love it. Season 3 fantastically better than two which in hindsight was less good than the first.

Concert: Third Eye Blind, This was a fantastic show from a band nobody knew was still around, these guys rock.

Album: I only bought one Album in 2010. No winners this year.

Song: Broken Bells - The Ghost Inside

Game: Angry Birds. Wow, I still can't stop playing.

Book: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, easy choice, this book was great.

Gadget: HTC EVO, this has changed my life.

Bar Night: Wisconsin Dells, $2 Jameson, dancing, and other things I can't remember.

Getaway: Spain.

Garden Growth: Sweet Potatoes!

Alcohol Fermenting Tour: The bus tour in Catalonia wine country.

Events of Note:

Random: Running as a hobby was (re?)started.

Obsession: Farmville. I'm still embarrassed with how much time I spent with it.

Our corrupt Illinois governor getting ousted from office.

There are a lot of great reasons to look forward to in 2011. One of the bigge$t $adly can't be mentioned on the very public interweb$. I am also resolving to write more blog entries than I did in 2010, keeping my faithful readers better up to date on my life. Laura and I already have some exciting things planned for the upcoming year and I look forward to seeing what more it can throw at me.

2011, here I come.


  1. Let me guess why you're looking forward to 2011. Laura is already pregnant.

  2. third eye blind is amazing, that would have made my 2010.

    what do you NOT like about the evo? i have it and i'm thinking about getting a different phone.
