Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hows my little smartie?

As a self proclaimed gadget nerd I have some difficulty leaving the house anytime I am about to do something fun. If I am leaving the house for more than one day this just compounds the issue.

I am blessed to have the issue of wondering, well am I going to geocache? I'll need my GPS and unless I do some thoughtful planning ahead I'll need to bring my laptop. Will I need some internet access? (when wouldn't I?) I should bring my laptop. My camera comes regardless. Will we be driving in a place I've never been? Better bring the other GPS. Will I be bored for more than a couple of hours? That iPod will help.

Since we are headed to Spain soon for a couple of weeks I've been doing some thinking ahead of time, what will I need in Spain? Obviously we are going to find some Spanish Geocaches, of course I'm going to need the internet, we will be renting a car, so I'll really enjoy having that other GPS, I will be confined to a plane for 8 hours, I'll be in need of that iPod. And I'll need an archaic manual page book. To get all of them charged and functional I'll need my old/hefty/power hungry/loud/hot laptop.

So with all of these things I want to pack I thought, well how much of a vacation is this anymore, I really want to unplug unwind and just relax 100% of the time, maybe hop online to get some tickets for a tourist thing but that would be it. Here comes the savior of the week. My HTC EVO.

I've resisted, gave in and typed, then deleted an entire blog giving love to my newest gadget. My phone. All of you are familiar with the iPhone, who isn't anymore? Well to give you the short description of it, the EVO can do everything the iPhone can (pretty much) and sometimes more (rare). Suddenly I realized many of my problems were solved in one little piece of hardware. The phone has a GPS complete with a stellar Geocaching app. Built in Wi-Fi. A camera. And a hard drive I can pump full of new tunes. Oh! and a Spanish/English translator for those situations my shitty Spanish won't get me anywhere.

So my gadget pack list has been/could be reduced to one item. But as the nerd I am, some things are just better at doing their 1 job than this guy is at all of them. So what will I pack? A dedicated road GPS (with maps of Spain) for that Taxi driver we just can't get through to. My iPod, because 80 Gigabytes of music is always better than 8. My camera. And my Evo.


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