Friday, August 20, 2010

Hows my little Shopper?

Last weekend Laura and I did some overdue shopping for me. As many of you know this is one of my least favorite things to do, and my wardrobe shows it. I have very few shirts under 2 years old and many over 6 years old. So I've decided I need to remedy that a bit, freshen things up if you will.

I have bought some clothes in the past few years so I'm not totally in the dark, but this weekend I had a certain goal of making sure all of the things I got fit me properly, brainless you might think but I've always just bought shirts that were XL because they covered my body and that was that. In recent years I've been buying the occasional Large size just to mix it up. Many of the shirts I got at that size they were borderline too small.

But not this weekend. Further proof of expanding America, I bought a couple of shirts at a Size MEDIUM!! that still had room to spare. I am a giant, I am not a medium sized person. What size do short skinny guys buy now? I'm not sure they make XS sizes for men, do they? I made out like a bandit though and got a some good deals and some nice threads.

One thing that sort of bugged me was, I am/was in the shorts market since some of my old pairs are, well just that, old. I don't understand the explosion of the plaid pattern everywhere. Why would someone want more than one color of plaid I don't get it. To further my shorts shopping woes most of my only other options were cargo shorts with Giant poofy pockets. So if a guy already has a pair of plaid shorts and a pair with giant poofy pocket what else can someone do for some variety? May as well buy myself a fighting cocks white hat and call myself a fratboy douche bag. Lame.

In retrospective it just might be my shopping location. In fact that probably has a huge influence on the over sized clothing and the lack of selection. I think that the only place for a guy to buy stylish clothes is Express, after that...Macy's? Its a good thing Indianapolis and Chicago are just short jaunts away.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday at work we had "shorts day" and I saw more plaid AND cargo shorts, than I ever wanted to in my life.
