Friday, January 11, 2008

Hows my little Monkey Spanker?

Monkey Spanker? Yeah, jerkoff.

Be it known to the world I FatTonyTCL of Blogger wish someday to partake in the voyeuristic experience of catching someone in the midst of the horizontal mambo with their significant other through their window. But not on purpose, no I am not a creep. I want to walk by and see their leg up in the window, Pause, and wait to see what they will reveal to me in the throws of their dirty deed.

Tonight I experienced half of my wish.

Half you say? yes half.
I bet you get it now.

It was an innocent catch on my way to getting ready for bed I noticed jinx poking her head out from her hiding place behind my curtain in the window, thinking it would be fun to play I hid from her and later chased her around my room. Upon her return to her spot in the window I stopped when I saw someone in the neighbor's house. Sitting at a place I have long assumed to be a desk. When I noticed something moving very rapidly in what I could only assume was HIS lap. In a fit of disgust and enchantment I called Laura and Promptly told her what I was witnessing.

Naturally I have learned from various Titacular Tuesdays and my friends lewd mouths I know the result of said...self gratification. So I had to stick around to see what happened. I couldn't watch for more than a few seconds at a time though, and after a long period of shut eyes I opened them to see the man in some sort of collared shirt, wind pants and socks get up with a cupped hand and leave the view of my/their window.

GAY? nope I'm not gay, I love my lady, and get creeped out about any dude's dude but catching your neighbor masturbating, dear lord its damn near mesmerizing a shameful mesmerization at that.

With that my friends, unless you specifically are looking for someone to watch your alone time, shut your blinds, close those curtians, move your computer with your giant porn stash out of your living room. If it was meant to be discreet keep it that way.


I will say though it was the best laugh of the new year.


  1. I wish like you wouldn't believe that I was there to witness that.

    I don't know why.

  2. i feel like i was there. since i experienced the whole leg propped up on the window mind left to imagine what else could be going on.... ohhh baby. i miss me some titty tuesdays.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Pete, why do you always gotta use my full name when you're talking about nastiness?! Steve M. would be alright, montair...? You'll be the death of me if my possible future employer ever googles me!!!!
