Monday, January 21, 2008

Hows my little Hermit?

Laura and I were hermits this weekend.
We went to a wonderful place called Camp Amnicon which is a little gem tucked away on the shores of lake superior alongside the Amnicon river. Admittedly we were a little nervous to be invading this luthern land of the holy as an unwed couple spending some time in one of their one bed cabins but as soon as we got there we were greeted with a smiling face who happily ushered us to our cabin while explaining a myriad of things to do while we were staying there.

Here is a shot of our cozy little cabin...perfect is the only word I would use to describe it

This is where business was taken car of, there was a heater in there which was better than nothing, but since I bundled up just to get there it didn't matter too much to me. The seat may as well have been made of ice it was so cold. Also note: it was a smelly outhouse by the end of the two day endeavor.

The tiny little place was full of everything we needed and forgot.

It had a little propane stove for heat and a big jug of water for drinking/ect.

Our first night was a spent warming up and chilling out, we played a heated game of scrabble and guzzled a couple of bottles of vino. We had the excellent idea to bring my foreman grill and cook some cheeseburgers which was an excellent idea by any standard. Later we tried watching a movie on Laura's new computer, which proved to be a disaster.

Note to the world, Windows VISTA home basic does NOT come with DVD support and you will need to download another program to watch ANY DVD.

So after that failed attempt and of course no internet for we were in a cabin in the woods we slept.

Day two we made some oatmeal and dragged ourselves out of bed around 11 and managed to brave the sub-zero outdoors for a it of (failed) geocaching and a stroll along the lake and up the river. Of course since we were in a camp of the lord we had to make a couple of:

The evening's highlight was dinner which was sauerkraut and pork chops tossed into our crock-pot. it was so tempting to eat all day, how I managed to wait was an impressive feat. With our books and my explanation on how the electoral college vote works we managed to pass the time with no issues at all.

In Sum, the little hermatage cabins at camp amnicon were worth every penny of Laura's hard earned money and we would do it again without a second thought.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like the most perfect little cabin in the entire world. What a great placed to be hidden in when the entire world is so cold.

    Also, those are the most beautiful snow angels I have ever seen and am quite impressed at the skill.
