Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hows my little veggie?

This one has been a long time coming, two failed attempts and a lot more thought, here goes:

I hate broccoli.

I hate it a lot. In the past I would spend time thinking about my disdain for broccoli, but now that I never ever experience broccoli I don't ever find myself thinking about how little I like it, but possibly fearing the next time I will have it.

Nowadays I find myself in a really great position of trying to listen to how much my friends eat so much broccoli in their lives they are ashamed to brag about about how satisfied they are with it. Which is not cool, I wish that they would just talk MORE about it. It would always be great to hear about and I'm sure would never get old. I want to hear every last broccoli craving and more, More! MORE!!

Maybe to remedy this though instead of wishing to hear more of people's broccoli cravings, I shall rant farther on how much I hate it, and about how elated I am about broccoli never ever being in my life. Because really, its never in my house, no one here likes it that much at all. I sit on my couch and thank the lord that no broccoli has ever been there, or in my bedroom I am ecstatic that broccoli will never be enjoyed within these walls.

What really upsets me about me and how little I like broccoli though, is that broccoli can be had in so many different ways. I feel like I haven't even scraped the surface of the different ways that that could try broccoli, who knows maybe sometime I'll find a way to have broccoli that wouldn't be so bad, and I just may end up liking the stuff. Until then, You can find me in the broccoli haters corner.

Well its off to work now, we are celebrating opposite day, maybe you didn't notice by now, but it definitely has been all day!


  1. Try it with dip and carrots and don't chew it up too much and you can do it. Except you get broccoli burps which are gross for other people. Here is a cool website. http://www.cloudappreciationsociety.org/cloudspotters-guide/

  2. Bitch please, I'll talk about brocolli until the sun goes down. It tastes excellent steamed with melted cheese on top. Or just hard and crunchy is nice too sometimes. Or like Henry said, with a nice creamy dip.

    I haven't been eating it too much lately, which is a shame. It'd be nice if I could have all the brocolli I wanted at my beck and call. But I guess I'll have to be patient.

    I hope no one is eating brocolli on the couch. That would be appalling.

  3. I love to eat a nice bit of broccoli when I'm eating some meat and potatoes. Get a bit of butter, melt it down and munch off the bushy bit of the broccoli and then eat the stem... yummmmie.

  4. jesus christ tony i had to read this like three times. i was like WHAAAAA??? and then i saw your "opposite day" sentence and had to read it over again.

  5. Guess what we are having Sunday!

  6. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I can't take it! Munch of the bushy bit. That is pure gold.

  7. i like it when it's rough. i like my broccoli raw.

  8. tony! sparks, nevada can't possibly be sam, because the os is xp and they use internet explorer!! back to square one.
