Saturday, July 07, 2007

Hows my little RoboCup?

So every year a whole bunch of nerds get together with their little robots and play soccer. one scored a goal this year...check it out Its funny and only a minute long.


  1. That might have been the most stupid thing I have ever seen. But god, those robot are tight. I like how the goalies head is shaking the whole time.

    Still about twenty times less funny than that video of the human dressed as a robot falling down the stairs though. That video was absolutely wonderful.

    Miss you fat. Hopefully call soon.

  2. ah that human dressed as a robot was a real robot falling down the stairs.

  3. I didn't know there was anything funnier than children falling down...

  4. that shit is awesome.

    my step-bro did something similar this year in his robotix club. they went to nationals. in point, i come by my nerdiness honestly.
