Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Hows my little warming globe?

This is the video that Sarah and I have been working on for the past few weeks. I hope all of you watch it and share it with your friends and family. just consider the small things each of us can do to keep our planet a better place for the remainder of our lives and our children's lives.


  1. This gives me warm fuzzies.

  2. Way to go Tony, I feel like Tony the Tiger when I say, "I love it!"

  3. Great video Tony! I will pass it on- such a powerful message. If we all considered just changing one thing, what a difference it would make. I challenge you all out there to change at least one thing.

  4. Excellent! I really like it! You guys did a great job and the message is so good.

  5. tony,
    that was great.
    i loved it.

  6. Great work Tony and Sarah, well done!
