Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hows my little Hawaiian?

Indiana was good to me this weekend. I ate lots of good food, drank a drink or two, and hung out with mom and pa. It was all quite fantastic. I got invited to come visit this snowy land to participate in a local Elks lodge event, THE HAWAIIAN COUNTDOWN!!!

Its fun little event where you more or less get entered into a drawing have a wonderful prime rib dinner, The game works by every time they call a name, that person loses, unless you are the last two names drawn, then you get $250 and first place wins a trip to Hawaii! No one in our whole group won anything, although we did have someone in the top 10 which was fun. My Grandpa ended up being the big winner and won himself a bottle of gin in one of the side games.

Go Grandpa!

Shitty tacos and cheap beer at Luce tonight! yay!

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