Monday, February 26, 2007

Hows my little walker?

I get myself to school without the aid of any motorized vehicle approximately 98% of the days of each month. Sometimes I will drive because i can justify the $1.25 cost for 10 hours at school. But, I digress. So today, no different than any other day, unless you count the falling snow and the accumulated 10 inches or so, I walked to school.

I didn't really walk though, it was more of a slip, slide, grumble, and sing-a-long adventure to school today.


Please. It would really help me and my co-walkers out.

It wouldn't have bothered me so much because I just walked on the road, but as I was walking down 21st on the way home cars were literally inches away from me. When I saw the reverse imprint of a bumper embossed into a snowbank, I began to get a mite nervous about the safety of my trudge to/from school.

Tomorrow I will be taking a hopefully less treacherous path to and from school, wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Same goes for bikers! Shovel snow please, but not into a bike rack, like the U of M does.
