Monday, February 26, 2007

Hows my little Ice Caver?

This weekend Laura took me out near her homeland to visit the Apostle Island Sea Caves. Being that its February the sea caves have transitioned into ultra-sweet Ice Caves! I had a blast wandering around through some really HUGE sheets of ice and icicles within caves. It was pretty warm here in the northland this week so we were exploring the caves probably at the last weekend of this winter, it was a good thing I wore my boots because we went sloshing around in some pretty deep water that was on top of the ice!

Naturally I am exploring my photography skills so I took one or two pictures, so here they are for your viewing pleasure!

Also in the news, IT SNOWED IN DULUTH FINALLY. I was beginning to call this the winter that didn't happen. I might sled home from school tomorrow.


  1. Wow...great pictures! If you have more, send them my way. This weekend brought freezing rain and wind to Indiana. Chip about blew away,when he went outside!

  2. Wow! That is so much cooler than I pictured it in my head.

    I think I could have grown some balls and walked on ice if that was at the end of the tunnel. Molto bellisimo.
