Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hows my little recharge?

I have two things I should be doing right now, sleeping and/or reading.
Notice informative blogging is not one? me too.

You folks with laptops and other similar electronics listen your ears up. Dr. Jason Staab has informed me that for one to prolong their battery life you should attempt these steps:

If you mostly use your laptop plugged into the wall, pop out your battery.
This is dangerous though, as when you unplug it without the battery in you lose all your info. Losing+info = bad. out of use battery = longer life!

Keep your battery relatively cool.
Don't leave it in your hot, nor your cold car. Room temp. is ideal for this bit. Also its worth mentioning when you take your battery out of your computer like mentioned in step 1, this helps keep it cooler than if plugged in(Double life-saving!)


Try to charge your battery when its around 40% full.
Something to do with chemestry and metal and other junk points to this being important. So don't do what I do and let it nearly die before charging. Charge it whenever the hell you want! Letting it die all the way (or almost) makes it's lifetime shorter!


If you aren't going to be using your battery for awhile charge it about halfway and leave it at that.

If your computer has a little "fuel gauge" or, battery life indicator, it is healthy to run your battery all the way dead every now and then. every couple of months or so-ish.

These steps work for Lithium Ion(Li-Ion) batteries commonly found in laptops and cell phones. My information came from here and here.
A public service announcement from your Fatness truly, Tony!


  1. I can't believe I've been so confused all this time!

    Thanks Tony, you're a battery saver.

    See you in February!

  2. Cheers, Fats Slim, to getting the word out there
