Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hows my little 8 planets?

In grade school I was very exctied about space travel and all things space. In science my favorite unit was the outer space unit because I knew so much already and loved learning more. Learning about the different planets from Ms. Frizzle and the magic school bus was my absolute favorite.

You may recall:
My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas!


Science...that rat bastard...just gave pluto the pink slip. It has now been thrown into the ranks of other dwarf planets such as Ceres (a large asteroid) and an object cordially named UB313. Thats right folks...we are now a solar system family of eight (with three undeveloped siblings we don't choose to mention)

How does that make you feel pluto? You've just been kicked out of our posse. Mother-F'in Earth just kicked your ass out. Hope you got the memo.

My Very Evil Mother Just Served Us Nails