Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hows my little speed racer?

what a week!
I got back from Ireland and landed on my feet running. I am very sure I didn't get myself on irish time between the staying up late the getting up early and the many naps that were taken...which was good for when I got back I needed to do A LOT of homework. And homework I did. After wishing Anne a TTFN at Red Star I slept when I woke up began the ass kicking at school. But i got a whole lot done this weekend AND was able to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night...so that was good.

Saturday Jason and I explored the snowy outdoors and took lots of pictures (maybe ill put some up later).
Last night I went out on a date. It was great, we have lots in common which is super exciting, second meeting is scheduled for later this week.
The rest of this week and next can be taken at a leasiurely pace thank god.

We are having a black and white potluck at our house on not this saturday but the following one. it shall rock, if youre reading this, youre invited.

If you click on the Irish Sister link (on the right) you can get some more pictures of my visit to ireland

1 comment:

  1. my dearest tony,
    thank you so much for being there for me thursday night. you have no idea how happy i was to see you walk through the door.
    also, i'm thrilled that you had a date and that you have scheduled date #2. i must know all about it.
    i will facebook you my address.... NOW.
    i miss you.
    love, anne.
