Thursday, November 30, 2006

Hows my little Baby Guinness?

A land where Guinness flows more than it rains, which is saying something, A land where sidewalks beep at you, weird roads, massive shopping districts, good food, no tall buildings, and really friendly people.

Visiting my sister was pretty fantastic it was fun seeing her place of living and meeting her friends as well as seeing Dublin. I got there Friday morning after a long Thursday of travel, I got a tour of Dublin while in search for the Guinness brewery as well as the Jameson distillery. I spent that day perpetually tipsy because of all of the samplings and the drink at lunch.

Saturday morning was fantastic, we went to beautiful town called Galway. In Galway we visited the aron islands which were beautiful! We got a tour of the largest island and it was super cool learning more about the Irish culture. That night we went out and got ourselves a good Irish dinner then got a few drinks at a pub, where I met up with one of my good friend's sister Nelly and got to meet this guy she is seeing. He was Danish and cool as hell. We got another drink at the hotel and went to bed it was a good day.

Sunday was spent mostly in transit back to Dublin and getting Amanda’s friend Jessica home. We went out to a cool bar that night and drank a whole bunch of Guinness (Amanda likes whiskey she drank that) That is when I got to experience cheesy chips, which are fries with cheddar smothered all over them…deeeeelish.

Monday Amanda had class all day so I thought I would go out and wander Dublin. We stayed out late the night before/I still wasn’t on Irish time yet, so I slept until 1. Which was lame of me. I did get out to explore Dublin, but just for not as long. I spent most of my time reading a crappy map and trying to figure out where I was. But it was still way cool to be wandering around Dublin on my own going in some shops and watching/listening to people. We stayed in that night after Amanda and I whipped up a culinary masterpiece. I watched a movie called Very Bad Things, which is a movie without a happy ending, and Cameron Diaz looking fine, so I liked it.

Wednesday Amanda and I set the ol’ alarm for 10 and went out around town, it was fun to tell her what I had walked past the night before. We went on a search for a peacoat and it provided some very promising results but didn’t get one. I was damn close though. We also saw the book of Kells and the book of Durrow, which were absolutely sweet because I had studied them briefly in a history class. Then we went to a town with a name I could not pronounce one bit while reading it but it was pronounced dun-leer-ie. And that was fun too. We walked around town a bit and walked out on a big breakwater with some a lighthouse and Amanda even got attacked by the Irish sea, which was funny. Wednesday night we met up with many of Amanda’s friends and roommates and we all went to a pub. I drank a lot. I cuddled with Amanda on the cab ride home because the cab drivers drive super fast and spin around turns like crazies. We made it back and I left a nice deposit of some Guinness and rice on UCD’s lawn, before wandering up to her apartment.

Today I got up early feeling much less than stellar and hopped on a bus through Dublin and it was cool to go driving through and say, hey I know where I am in another country, right now. In the plane I got to see some really cool mountains and glaciers in Canada, and that was way cool.

All in all Ireland was great. Ladies if you want to hop on the European fashion bandwagon start buying black leggings and jean skirts. Also the earbud headphones are the only headphones used. Guys it’s all about layering, Amanda called it functional because the weather there is very erratic, maybe she is right. I am happy my sister is a certified Irish whiskey taste tester, because now I know a bit more about different whiskeys. I have many more stories and details about my trip, but this is getting very long, so I thought I would let you cats know that the trip was wonderful, and Ireland is great. And so is my sister.

Oh yeah…
If any of you EVER travel overseas, make sure to leave enough room in your carry on luggage to buy all sorts of crap (aka cheap booze) from the duty free stop in the airport. Because I didn’t and damnit I wanted the twin pack of Jameson for only 23 euro.


  1. You know that when you buy something at duty free, they just let you take it on the plane with. no need to stick it in your luggage.

    just saying.

    thanks for coming to visit, i had a great time and i'm glad you did too. here's to drinking more whiskey and guinness this christmas!

  2. cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuteahhhhhhh. good story.

    my proffesor is obsessed with the book of kells.
