Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hows my little great sleeper?

School is done for the semester.

Thank god, this semester I have had a bunch of projects that haven't been interesting and I half assed most of them and still did pretty well.

except for one class...there is always that one class.

one senior semester down....three to go

so remember a couple of years ago when i made myself a mythical creature?...a very naked one.
it horrified most of you.
Well, I'm going to do it again because I think that i have gotten better at photoshop and it will look cooler.
SO. if you know of any good mythalogical creatures that would be interesting done in my (naked) likeness tell me, and I will consider it.

Black and White party was super fun, it was a mini-thanksgiving for me seeing all you cats who managed to come. THANK YOU!!

I am going to Indiana for a christmas whoopie. I am excited to see my family! But not so excited about indiana. Thank god for Tivo though =)

I actually had a (weird) dream last night that my parents were playing an elaborate joke on me about moving to indiana and really had a house in minnesota. I was really mad in the dream and hid from them and the found some local football game where I met someone I had ran into at a gas station earlier in my dream. (for some reason people in this town liked hitting tennis balls and raquetballs with basebats into farm fields) and I talked to them until I went looking for my parents. on my way back to finding them I saw a big ship come into a harbor and an announcer said it was carrying flesh eating ferrets. except these ferrets were way crazier and had lots of sharp teeth and prefered getting around by swimming in puddles. Then I found them and we went back to our house but it was being washed out by some firemen because the plumbing back up and there was poo all over. then chip magicly appeared so I played fetch with him with one of the numerous tennis balls that was in the nearby farm field, and that was fun.
It was a pretty elaborate dream last night, but thats what i get for sleeping for about 12 hours-ish, and man do I feel great about it.
Oh, and that myth that people don't dream in color is definatly not true because the tennis balls were all bright green. and chip was...chip colored? and the bear was brown.


  1. mythical creature:
    i'm thinking a sphinx. as i just learned on wikipedia, there are three different kinds, and it looks like you'd be an androsphinx. you should look into it.
    otherwise, a pegasus. you need some sweet wings. i suppose it's a horse, but you could make it work.
    no, a faun! you should be a faun. how sweet would that be? tony the fat becomes tony the faun.

    ......i have way too much time. either the sphinx or the faun.

  2. you should be the naked wizard dumbledore from potter puppet pals.
