Friday, December 15, 2006

Hows my little giant sigh?

I went and saw the new bond tonight. very good flick.
the opening chase scene was stellar and my new hero is the guy bond chased.

I still have quite a bit of schooling to work on...BUT
that will be put on hold for an amazing weekend of being surrounded by great friends.

Those who want to know when I will be in the cities next, I'll tell you when i know.
Most likely that will be either the day before, the day of, or the day after I arrived.
Depending on whom I decide I need to see first.
I CAN tell you that it will be sometime after new years though.

It rained in duluth today.
Thats right, Duluth MinneSNOWda
Last year I think I had skied more than once at this point.

1 comment:

  1. if you think for one goddamn second that you are going to tell me that you are in the cities the day after you've gotten there, you are SORELY mistaken.
    you know how surly i can be.
